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Notice for Aquatic Invasive Species 2025 Treatments

March 27 - May 2

Notice is hereby given the Pelican River Watershed District is conducting an aquatic invasive species control project involving herbicide treatments of Curly-leaf pondweed and Flowering Rush infestations for lakes North Floyd, Big and Little Detroit, Curfman, Sallie, Melissa, and Muskrat. Maps containing treatment information can be found on our website at www.prwd.org or at our District office at 211 Holmes Street West, Suite 201, Detroit Lakes, MN.

Curly-leaf Pondweed – The chemical treatment is restricted to areas of infestation and will occur when the water temperatures are between 50 degrees F and approximately 60 degrees F. It is anticipated that the treatments will take place in May or early June.

Flumioxazin herbicide will be used for treatments.

Do not irrigate with water from the treated areas:

  • Food crops – 5 days
  • Ornamental plants – 3 days
  • Turf grass – 3 days

There are no label restrictions from the treated area for swimming (MN DNR recommends 1 day), drinking water, domestic uses, fish consumption, or livestock watering.

Flowering Rush – Diquat will be used to treat submersed/mostly submersed Flowering rush in mid-June followed by a second treatment in late July to early August.

Signatures for lake-wide herbicide control of aquatic invasive species are not required for the Pelican River Watershed District as the MN DNR has waived the signature requirements as allowed by state statute. The law requires notification to lakeshore owners on how to opt out of treatments. According to the Minnesota Statutes (103G.615, Sec 78, Subd 3a,b,c) the District is required to notify landowners of proposed treatments, offering them an opportunity to request that treatment NOT be done in waters adjacent to their property. Adjacency is defined as waters within 150 feet of the shore lake-ward between property lines. While it is the landowners right to request treatment NOT be done in front of their property, it should be noted this project aims to reduce aquatic invasive species populations which interfere with navigation, impair recreational activities, and cause harm to native plant populations.

Landowners may exercise this right by notifying the District by email or in writing of their wish to “opt-out” of any treatment areas for 2025. All notifications must be received by Friday, May 2, 2025 at 4:30 PM. Address all communication to:

Email Address: prwdinfo@arvig.net

Mailing address:
Tera Guetter, Administrator
Pelican River Watershed District
211 Holmes Street West
Suite 201
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Link to Treatment Maps: https://prwd.org/resources/public-notices-ais-treatments/


March 27
May 2