
The District believes it is in our best interest to raise well informed decision makers to guide future generations. Over the years, Pelican River Watershed District has provided area youth and students with the opportunity to learn about, and become involved, in the preservation and protection of the resources within our care.  Below Rossman fourth graders are presenting to their class the characteristics of a watershed and what type of actions can impact water quality in our area.

Ongoing Education Programs

Detroit Lakes Area Schools – Environmental Field Trips – PRWD is proud to offer financial assistance to Detroit Lakes Public Schools to cover the cost of transportation for environmental field trips.  Each fall and spring our area students experience nature in our amazing local parks and nature areas, including Hamden Slough, Dunton Locks, Sucker Creek, Tamarac, area Orchards, and Ike Fisher Farms.

Sucker Creek  – Each year PRWD staff work with area water professionals to provide an educational experience for local 9th grade students.  They are given hands on water quality monitoring experience as well as a classroom experience regarding the pros and cons of developing a beautiful piece of property right in the city limits.

Ike Fischer Farm TourThis event is hosted by Becker Soil and Water Conservation District for local 5th grade students and explores nature in a beautiful outdoor setting outside of Frazee, MN.  Students are introduced to such topics as trees, water bugs, waterfowl, aquatic invasive species, etc.  PRWD staff has both presented and acted as tour guides at this event held in May each year.

City of Detroit Lakes – Waterfest – Each spring the City of Detroit Lakes brings together area 4th graders to spend a day learning about water.  The students spend the day attending numerous learning stations with hands on activities about water cycles, the importance of water to life, how it interacts with other natural resources, water quality and how people can make good choices to preserve our valuable resources for future generations.  PRWD supports this effort as a part of our education and outreach by contributing to the expenses for the activity as a whole and as presenter at the stations.

Education Mini Grants – Educators can apply for classroom grants to purchase supplies for their classrooms for environmental education.  For more information about our Environmental Education grants click here!

Classroom Aquatic Invasive Species Education – District staff is happy to present AIS education to area classrooms.  Currently, 5th grade students at Rossman Elementary host district staff in the spring as a part of their STEAM education classes.

Lake Association Outreach – Each spring the district assembles water management area specific summaries of the previous season’s district activities and test results for distribution at lake association meetings.  District staff is also available to speak on environmental topics of interest at lake association meetings.  Please email prwdinfo@arvig.net to schedule your meeting with us!

Hodge Podge on KDLM – PRWD staff are on air with Joel the third Thursday of each month to discuss current activities and talk lakes and rivers!

Service Clubs – PRWD staff is happy to present on environmental topics of interest at local area service group meetings.  Please email prwdinfo@arvig.net to schedule your meeting with us!

Becker County Fair The Fair is a great opportunity to interact with adults and children about local water quality issues.  PRWD has a booth in the MN DNR building on the Fairgrounds.  A button maker has proven to be a big hit with children who either create their own environmental images or color one of the many available to choose from.  PRWD Summer Interns are asked to assist with this four day event each summer.

Water Quality and Watershed Education For Kids

National Environmental Education Foundation – Watershed Sleuth Challenge – EPA and the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) offer several online activities to help children, families, K-12 school groups and others learn about water quality and how they can help solve water quality problems. 

Water Sense for Kids – US EPA

PBS Kids – Build a Watershed Activity

MN Department of Natural Resources – Water Conservation Education

Annual Education Workplan
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PRWD Flyer Summer 2024
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PRWD Education Grant Application
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PRWD Book List
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