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Readiness Response Plan

< 1 min read

In February 2019, the board of managers passed a motion to hire Dr. Ryan Wersal, PH.D., Minnesota State University, Mankato, to assist with the technical aspects of a Readiness Response Plan in the event that a District lake may become infested with Eursasian and Hybrid Watermilfoil, Starry Stonewort or Hydrilla.

On March 21, the District invited members of Becker COLA and area lake associations members along with City of Detroit Lakes staff to attend one of three meetings in which Dr. Wersal and Mark Ranweiler, MN DNR AIS Specialist, spoke on the need for aggressive research, and treatment options that have been tried with little success.

Because there are no treatment success stories in Minnesota lakes that involve these invasive plants, it is imperative to do all we can to keep them out of our District lakes.  Education efforts must continue and inspections at boat accesses need to be more stringent than ever.

The draft Plan was sent to multiple plant researchers for their input and then forwarded to MN DNR AIS Specialists for their review and approval.  The final draft is attached below.

Readiness response Plan June 2020